lunes, 5 de marzo de 2018



3.2-Survey students about their digital footprints
The next task is about comparing my digital footprint with my student’s digital footprint. For that, we have created a formulary asking the students about their footprint. The survey is about the way they use technology, social media, apps, and the Internet to access information and exchange knowledge.
There is the link with the form
This is my survey. 15 students of 8th grade and their teacher about our digital footprints.

When we analyze the survey, is a surprise that the first time my students used an computing device and their first access to internet is very similar, between 9-10 years old, but most join their first social network, later, at 11. Always (75 %) asking permission, and continuing being checked frequently or random (90%). Moreover these parents have talked about the internet safety. None of the students ever have been bullied online.
About the time they spend online or messaging, 82 % at least 1 hour a day (probably a bit more, because the other answers were between 2-3 hours and it’s hard to recognize). This is similar to the percentage of students who have shared photos or videos online.
As a conclusion, the survey try to ask students about their diary routines on the computer, sometimes for their homework and other times for their relationships and make them think about how much time use the computer and are online. As teacher, I have to fight every day with the mobile because they are hanged on the Snapchat or WhatsApp, more than in their task at class.

2 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Amazing how young all children in different countries, despite their cultural differences and beliefs, start connecting online!!
